Did you know that it’s legal to grow and process your own tobacco for personal use?

Well, it is! And growing tobacco is as easy as growing tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and even petunias…they’re all from the same family – Solanaceae (Night Shade).

Tobacco is very similar to a petunia, only it grows much faster. If you can grow a petunia, you can grow this plant.

In these tough economic times, most of us are looking for ways to save money. If you’re a smoker, you can drastically cut expenses by growing your own.

If you’re not a smoker, tobacco can be grown as an ornamental. Virginia Gold Tobacco can grow up to 6 to 7 feet tall and makes a nice screen for privacy, or to hide unsightly areas. Also, the beautiful pink trumpet blooms are a favorite of humming birds. Another cool thing you can do with the plant is pick off leaves, dry them and steep them in water overnight for a natural, non-selective contact insecticide.

I found some answered FAQs about homegrown tobacco here.

Click here to view the outstanding video made by my friend, Larry Hall,“Why Raise Your Own Tobacco?”

Larry has lots of GREAT videos on his YouTube channel for growing, harvesting, and curing your own tobacco. Like: How To Germinate And Start Tobacco Seeds!, Planting and growing your own Organic Tobacco!,and Harvesting, Hanging, and Curing you own Organic Tobacco!.